Nicholas was heavily involved in the Launch of ‘Feng Shui for Modern living’ in 1998, the first lifestyle magazine using Feng Shui for interior design in the world.
Masters training in the Far East with Lillian Too, Joey Yap and Yap Cheng Hai added to his almost instinctive knowledge. In the UK he also trained with Raymond Lo, Denise Linn, Gina Lazenby, and Karen Kingston, and further support from Master Lam Kam Chuen who launched his interest in the system in 1993.
His knowledge was sought not only for households and businesses that need help but also Heads of State across Asia the UAE and the United States as well as across the UK. Feng Shui and wellbeing is a powerful tool in Design and something he feels passionately can be reintroduced into design projects bringing this back mainstream design for a more positive approach to wellbeing for all.